Nasiba Ziyodullayeva, Head of the Politics and News Department at the Uzbekistan National News Agency (UzA), has been awarded the badge of honor of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, “Ma’naviy-ma’rifiy ishlar a’lochisi” (“Excellence in Spiritual and Educational Affairs”).
This badge was established by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 5, 2018, “On the Establishment of the Badge of Honor of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Excellence in Spiritual and Educational Affairs”.
The badge is awarded annually on January 14 – the Defenders of the Motherland Day in a solemn ceremony by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Emergency Situations, the Chairman of the State Security Service, and the Commander of the National Guard of Uzbekistan, or other authorized officials on their behalf.