Women’s and girls’participation in political processes
16:38 / 2016-11-01

An event has taken place in Nukus, the centre of Qoraqalpoghiston, north-western Uzbekistan, on women’s and girls’ participation in the country’s important political process – the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

An event has taken place in Nukus, the centre of Qoraqalpoghiston, north-western Uzbekistan, on women’s and girls’ participation in the country’s important political process – the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The event held by the Women’s Committee of the Republic of Qoraqalpoghiston in cooperation with the Mahalla public charity foundation’s department in the Republic of Qoraqalpoghiston was attended by leaders of women’s primary organizations at enterprises, citizens’ self-governing bodies and educational establishments.

It was said that consistent measures taken under the leadership of the country’s First President towards raising the social activeness of women and girls and protecting their rights and legitimate interests were giving great results.

A national electoral system that completely conforms to international standards and democratic principles has been created in Uzbekistan. This has found expression in the process of preparation for the country’s important political process – the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

“All the necessary conditions are being created for citizens, especially women and girls and young people who are going to vote for the first time, to exercise their constitutional right and express their will freely. Propagation groups consisting of legal experts, economists and active people are visiting works, educational establishments and neighbourhoods and are conducting seminars and round-table conversations with women, girls and young people on various themes,” says the chairperson of the women’s committee of the town of Nukus, Havojon Umarova.

During the event, speeches were heard on such themes as “The roles of women’s committees, their primary organizations and commissions for work with women at citizens’ gatherings in measures to be carried out for the elections” and “Women’s and girls’ participation in the work of district and precinct electoral commissions”.