Women Leaders’ Dialogue in Central Asia brings peoples closer together
19:13 / 2021-12-23

The results of Uzbekistan’s chairmanship in the Women Leaders’ Dialogue in Central Asia were summed up at the regional forum in Tashkent.

Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tanzila Narbayeva, who chaired the Women Leaders’ Dialogue in Central Asia, noted that during the year the dialogue served as an important factor in bringing our countries and peoples closer together.

The structure has shown that it can be a catalyst in the development of regional approaches to gender equality and sustainable development in Central Asia.

“Issues of women’s leadership and women’s entrepreneurship were discussed”, T. Narbayeva said. – The organized events contributed not only to the discussion of current issues, but also became a platform for further development of cooperation between various government bodies, non-governmental non-profit organizations, business structures.

In addition, an important area is the creation of conditions for the development of economic opportunities for women. The dialogue initiated an analysis of the current regulatory framework in Central Asia to identify obstacles to the development of women’s entrepreneurship.

Significant work has been carried out in Uzbekistan in this direction. Shortly, proposals for the development of women’s business, further improvement of conditions for increasing the business activity of women will be submitted to the authorized state bodies.

At the forum, a decision of Turkmenistan’s chairmanship in the dialogue was taken.

“Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to all the members of the dialogue and the UN Development Programme, the UN Women and the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia for the assistance provided in the implementation of the plans and initiatives of the dialogue scheduled for 2021”, Tanzila Narbayeva said.

Uzbekistan will continue supporting regional cooperation in gender equality and sustainable development in Central Asia.

Norgul Abduraimova, UzA