Will Bukhara be included in the World Craft Cities List?
09:22 / 2022-03-31

Members of the International Research Council, led by the President of the World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region (WCC-APR), Mr. Saad Al-Qaddumi, are visiting Bukhara.

Guests are becoming acquainted with the activities of ancient schools of handicrafts, centers embodying centuries-old historical traditions, and the work of artisans. They will analyze the history of the emergence of handicrafts, their development, determine the current status and make conclusions about the inclusion of the city in the World Craft Cities List.

The delegation met with the Hokim of the region Botir Zaripov. The Hokim acquainted the guests with the historical monuments of the city, cultural life. Mr. Saad Al-Qaddumi noted that his mother Ghada Hijjawi-Qaddumi, who successfully served as President of the World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region from 2013 to 2020, visited Bukhara several times and highly appreciated the tourism potential and the national school of crafts.

Master craftsmen operating in the system of Bukhara regional administration of the Hunarmand Association work in 26 directions. There are almost 500 of them. The inclusion of Bukhara in the World Craft Cities List will create great opportunities for Bukhara craftsmen to promote their products on the world market. In addition, this status is important for increasing the flow of tourists and further developing tourism.

Expressing deep gratitude for the warm welcome, Mr. Saad Al-Qaddumi noted that the ancient and rich cultural heritage of Bukhara, in particular, the ancient Ark fortress and the ancient monuments preserved there, made a great impression on him. He highly appreciated the beauty of the created works of art, in particular, he was impressed by the variety of carpet products made in the handicraft center “Bukhara Silk Carpets Handmade”, handicrafts of the House-Museum of the famous jeweler Bakhshulla Jumayev.

The World Craft Cities List was launched in 2014 and now includes 30 cities around the world. Kokand is among them.


Zarif Komilov, photos by Tokhirjon Istatov, UzA