VIII congress of the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – the Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic Party
11:08 / 2016-10-20

On 19 October 2016, the VIII congress of the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – the Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic Party (UzLiDeP) took place in Tashkent. The congress was attended by about 300 delegates elected from the Qoraqalpoghiston council, the regional and Tashkent city councils of the party.

On 19 October 2016, the VIII congress of the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – the Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic Party (UzLiDeP) took place in Tashkent. The congress was attended by about 300 delegates elected from the Qoraqalpoghiston council, the regional and Tashkent city councils of the party.

Participants in the congress emphasized that the forthcoming 4 December 2016 elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the most important event in the socio-political life of the country and that the UzLiDeP should take the most active part in the elections.

Delegates noted that in the years of independence, cardinal reforms had been implemented in all the spheres of the life of the country’s society. Firm foundations were created for national statehood. Large-scale work was carried out for building a law-governed democratic state and a strong civil society, for forming a market economy and raising the population’s living standards. The supremacy of law, the multi-party system and democratic elections have become inalienable attributes of the country’s socio-political life.

Participants in the congress emphasized that the main tasks of UzLiDeP as a leading political force holding the highest number of seats in representative bodies of power are to continue reforms that were justified in every way, to ensure peace and calm in the country and a steady rise in the population’s wellbeing.

It is especially noted that at the current phase of the country’s development, life itself requires the nomination as UzLiDeP’s candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of a person who is capable of further strengthening the country’s independence and raising the process of reforms to a new higher level and also who has a precise understanding of the essence and significance of the reforms and is taking an active part in their implementation, whose destiny is inextricably connected with the destiny of the people, who cares for their wellbeing, a talented leader with initiative.

On the basis of this and of opinions voiced in the speeches of delegates and a large number of representatives of the party’s voters, the congress of the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – the Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic Party adopted a decision for the nomination of a member of the party’s Political Council, Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev as a candidate for President of the country for the forthcoming elections.

It was emphasized that Shavkat Mirziyoyev was the closest ally of Uzbekistan’s First President Islam Karimov in implementing large-scale reforms, creating and strengthening the foundations of independence and forming an absolutely new economic system based on modern market principles. He devoted all his working life to the development of the Motherland, and with practical work, truly won respect and authority among compatriots.

During the event, its participants expressed confidence that the UzLiDeP’s candidate would garner comprehensive support from the people of Uzbekistan in the forthcoming 4 December 2016 elections.

At the congress, a candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, made a speech expounding the main directions of his pre-election programme.

In accordance with the congress’s decision, UzLiDeP will apply to the Central Electoral Commission in the manner established by law for the registration of the party’s candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

As a result of the congress’s work, appropriate decisions were taken.

A briefing took place for representatives of mass media.