Veterans Awarded with Memorable Jubilee Medals
10:59 / 2015-04-28

Various enlightenment events and meetings of generations with the participation of the Second World War and labor front veterans being held in the framework of the execution of Presidential decree signed on 26 March 2015 about the preparation and conduct of a national holiday – Day of Memory and Honor, in all regions of our country.

Various enlightenment events and meetings of generations with the participation of the Second World War and labor front veterans being held in the framework of the execution of Presidential decree signed on 26 March 2015 about the preparation and conduct of a national holiday – Day of Memory and Honor, in all regions of our country.

One of such events under the motto "Feat, Duty, Firmness" was held in the Central Recreation Park named after Ghafur Ghulom. The event, organized by the Tashkent City Hokimiyat (Mayor’s Office) together with the City Women's Committee, the territorial Council of the Nuroniy Fund, was attended by the representatives of state and public organizations, war and labor front veterans, cultural and art workers, students, as well as media men.

Deputy Hokim of the City of Tashkent – Chairperson of the City Women’s Committee F.Abdurahimova and other speakers at the occasion noted that a special attention is paid under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to the issues of social protection of older generation, to the creation of worthwhile living conditions for them. Deep respect and reverence by the state being paid to the participants of the Second World War and the labor front.

Decrees of the President of our country on awarding with a memorable jubilee medal “Ikkinchi Jahon Urushidagi G’alabaning 70 Yilligi” (70th Anniversary of the Victory in the World War II)”of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan – veterans of war and labor front of 1941-1945 signed 19 February this year, as well as the one on the encouragement of participants of the war of 1941-1945, inked 6 March 2015, are essential in the continuation and improvement of this noble work.

The National Program “Year of Reverence and Care for the Senior Generation” as well as a range of documents adopted to support the veterans, serve for the further enhancement of the scale of noble endeavors in this field.

At the festivity, on behalf of the President of our country, the veterans of the Second World War and the labor front were awarded with a memorable jubilee medal “Ikkinchi Jahon Urushidagi G’alabaning 70 Yilligi”.

"We are immensely pleased with the attention and respect provided in our country, for the people of older generation," says 96-year-old Komil-ota Khudoyberganov living in the Beshqayraghoch mahalla of Uchtepa district. "The representatives of state and public organizations, doctors and the young people constantly visit us. For all this, we express our deep gratitude to the President of our country."

A concert program, with the participation of children's creative collectives and famous artists, folklore ensembles and performances of young athletes, gave a festive mood to the event.