Uzbekistan to host Asian Women’s Forum
14:12 / 2024-04-04

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly put forward an initiative to hold the Asian Women’s Forum in Uzbekistan in 2024 to realize the creative potential of women leaders of the states of the region, exchange experience in further expanding their participation in state and public administration, the economy.

The forum, organized jointly with UN Women, will take place in Samarkand from May 13 to 14 this year.

The participants will discuss the participation of women in the region in scientific, educational, and innovative activities, poverty reduction by expanding their opportunities in the modern global economy, the use of digital technologies, and involvement in entrepreneurship.

The Organizing Committee for the Asian Women’s Forum was established in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis to ensure a high organizational level of the event.

At the committee meeting, it was noted that the countries with the largest share of the world economy are located in the Asian region. These countries have succeeded in healthcare, information technology, economics, and many other areas.

Chairperson of the Senate Tanzila Narbayeva emphasized the importance of considering women’s participation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals at the forum. Particular attention will be paid to eliminating all forms of violence, ensuring equal and safe working conditions for women, and eliminating discrimination and other forms of influence in the workplace.

In addition, the practical implementation of the decisions of the 68th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the role of parliaments in promoting women’s economic opportunities in business and society, and the role of non-governmental organizations in the region in protecting women’s rights and interests will be analyzed.

At the meeting, organizational issues, the forum’s agenda and content, and the holding of bilateral meetings with delegations of foreign countries were discussed.

Norgul Abduraimova, UzA