Uzbekistan’s market services increased by 10.7 percent
06:00 / 1970-01-01

Currently, the degree of development of the service sector has become a criterion for the progressive development of society. Improvement and modernization of the service delivery system contributes to improving the quality of life, investment climate, business environment and business development.

Currently, the degree of development of the service sector has become a criterion for the progressive development of society. Improvement and modernization of the service delivery system contributes to improving the quality of life, investment climate, business environment and business development.

According to the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, reforms carried out in Uzbekistan contributed to the increase in the growth of market services by 10.7 percent. The volume of production of services for January-February 2018 amounted to 20470.7 billion soums.

The structure of services is dominated by transport services (30.7 %); trade services (27.7%); financial services (13.3%); communication and information services (6.7%).

Measures taken on improvement of the effectiveness of monetary policy, the expansion of lending to prospective investment projects, as well as a range of banking services, increased the growth of financial services by 29.7%.

Along with this, the highest rates of growth are observed for services in the field of architecture, engineering survey, technical testing and analysis (127.7%), education services (117.2%), communication and information services (116.9%), transport services (115.7%).

Analysis of development of the world market shows that the introduction of innovations in the field of information and communication technologies and their effective use increases efficiency of management and technological processes at enterprises, creating new and expanding existing markets for goods and services in various spheres of the economy, which ultimately leads to improve the quality of life of the population.

Among the regions, the largest share in the total volume of communication and information services is in Tashkent city (47.9%), Fergana (6.8%), Samarkand (6.6%), Andijan (5.4%), Namangan ( 4.7%), the Kashkadarya region (4.7%).