Uzbekistan is a Committed and Reliable Partner in Global Cotton Market
11:35 / 2015-10-19

Uzbekistan is a committed and reliable partner in the global cotton market. This was once again clearly demonstrated at the XI International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair, held in Tashkent on 15-16 October, organized on the initiative of President Islam Karimov.

Uzbekistan is a committed and reliable partner in the global cotton market. This was once again clearly demonstrated at the XI International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair, held in Tashkent on 15-16 October, organized on the initiative of President Islam Karimov.

Contracts for the purchase of 700 thousand tons of Uzbek cotton fiber, as well as for the supply of the domestic textile products for over $ 800 million were signed during the fair.

The current International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair has once again brought together leading participants of the world cotton and textile market to discuss prospects and concluding mutually beneficial contracts. This year over 1,000 representatives of companies from 40 countries attended the event.


They not only discussed a wide range of issues related to the cotton industry, including production and consumption, increasing the trade and investment cooperation in Uzbekistan and around the world, but also concluded mutually beneficial contracts.

As noted at the conference, held within the fair, Uzbekistan ranks sixth in the world in terms of production of cotton and the fifth in terms of exports. This year our farmers have gathered a rich harvest of cotton. This is the result of wide-ranging reforms under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, carried out in agriculture, cotton and processing industry, as well as consistent efforts to further develop farming movement, to improve the selection, logistics and other related spheres.

One of the most important achievements was the modernization and technological renewal of production capacities, introduction of a system of international quality standards and technical regulations to ensure the competitiveness of products in foreign markets. These measures provided for an annual harvesting of over 3 million tons of raw cotton.


A significant factor in increasing fiber quality was improving the system of classification of seed cotton and cotton products through the joint efforts of Uzpakhtasanoat Association and the Sifat center. Today, Sifat Uzbek Centre for cotton fiber certification, a member of the Bremen Cotton Association and the International Cotton Advisory Committee, carries out certification of cotton fiber using HVI modern equipment systems, which meet all international standards.

The process of modernization of ginneries, introduction of advanced equipment, establishing new enterprises are continuing. In accordance with the international requirements, the transition to the new system of cotton bale packaging with plastic tapes and flexible containers is being carried out.

One of the priorities of the state policy is to further develop the domestic textile industry with increased processing of cotton fiber and boost production of finished products with high added value.


Processing rate of cotton fiber reached over 40 percent these year (from total volume of cotton) in comparison to only 7 percent of 1990s. This figure is expected to reach 60 percent in the nearest future.

The share of the textile industry in Uzbekistan's GDP is also growing. There are about 3000 textile enterprises, 312 of which are part of the Uzbekyengilsanoat joint-stock company. Over 100 of them presented their products at this year's International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair.

- We have been active participants of the cotton and textile forum in recent years- says Sherzod Holmurodov, sales manager of "Urganch Bakhmal". - We offer to our foreign partners cotton and mixed yarn, fabrics, linens, clothing. Currently over 20 percent of our production is exported. The fair has allowed us to expand the range of partners and conclude contracts with businessmen from Poland, Russia and other countries.

XI International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair has contributed to the further development of market mechanisms of cotton fiber and textile sales, strengthening of relations between the Uzbek and foreign partners.