Uzbekistan delegation holds talks in Stockholm
20:23 / 2019-06-19

Delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan led by the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Sodik Safoyev visited Stockholm city, held talks in Parliament, at ministries and agencies of Sweden.

Delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan led by the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Sodik Safoyev visited Stockholm city, held talks in Parliament, at ministries and agencies of Sweden.

According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Berlin, at the meeting with the First Deputy Speaker of the Riksdag of Sweden Åsa Lindestam and the Chair of the Swedish Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Boriana Åberg, the Swedish side was thoroughly acquainted with the political, legal, social and economic reforms carried out in Uzbekistan. Opportunities for enhancing inter-parliamentary contacts were also discussed.

Roundtable discussions were held at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and Stockholm International Water Institute with participation of responsible leaders of these agencies. Views were exchanged on practical aspects of development of relations in bilateral and multilateral formats. Prospects for development of interaction in security, economics, environment and other fields were discussed.

Uzbekistan delegation holds talks in Stockholm

Special attention was paid to the possibility of support from Sweden of efforts of the Government of Uzbekistan to prevent the negative consequences of the Aral disaster, including within the framework of the UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea region initiated by Uzbekistan under the auspices of the UN. The Swedish side expressed readiness to establish close cooperation with Uzbekistan for promoting development of the country’s water sector through the implementation of joint projects with participation of Swedish companies.

Constructive exchange of views on promising areas of bilateral cooperation was also held at the meetings held in the Swedish Trade Council “Business Sweden” and with the leadership of Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics. The parties discussed the possibilities of enhancing cooperation in the field of investment and trade, including through the organization of business missions, participation in exhibitions and fairs held in the two countries.