Uzbekistan and Hungary strengthen large-scale collaboration
08:07 / 2023-08-25

Hungary is one of the rapidly developing economic countries in Europe. It has great potential in agriculture, trade, tourism, finance, and information technology. Systemic reforms have been carried out in various areas to achieve such results.

At the invitation of the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán, on August 19-20, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev paid a state visit to this country. This visit marked the beginning of a new period of more and more developing cooperation between the two countries in recent years.

An UzA Correspondent asked about the opinion of the Director of the Scientific and Analytical Center for the Study of the Development of the Orient countries at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Kakhramon Haqberdiyev about the history of relations between Uzbekistan and Hungary, the prospects for bilateral agreements.

– Hungary is a state deeply integrated into the political, economic, and financial institutions of the European Union. A skilled workforce, low inflation, and attractive conditions for foreign investors have become the basis for the successful development of the economy. The main trade and economic partners of Hungary are the leading European states. The country hosts the production assets of several of the world’s leading automakers.

In recent years, interstate relations between Uzbekistan and Hungary have been intensively developing in a bilateral and multilateral format – within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS). Hungary has also become a full-fledged and active member of the Organization within the framework of OTS foreign policy meetings. In particular, the establishment of close ties between our countries, in general, with the OTS member countries, on the one hand, is determined by the common historical roots of the peoples, on the other hand, by common historical roots. A stable eastern vector in foreign policy, the desire to establish beneficial ties with the OTS states distinguishes Hungary from other European states.

Being in Hungary at the invitation of the Prime Minister of the country Viktor Orbán, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev focused on the continuation of large-scale cooperation. An exchange of views took place on the prospects for bilateral relations.

The heads of state noted with great satisfaction the consistent development of practical cooperation in all areas and the successful implementation of the agreements reached during previous meetings. Fruitful links have been established between parliaments, governments, agencies, and at the level of local authorities. An exchange of views took place on the regional agenda, particularly on issues within the framework of the OTS.

Thanks to the measures taken, the volume of trade is increasing, and cooperation between leading companies in various sectors of the economy is being strengthened. Joint projects are being successfully implemented in the financial industry, pharmaceuticals, transport, tourism, cultural and humanitarian areas.

The prospect of bilateral relations in education deserves attention. An agreement was reached on the annual education of 170 students from Uzbekistan based on scholarships in institutions of higher education in Hungary.

Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies also seeks to contribute to developing interstate relations in education. On May 22 this year, the Second Uzbekistan – Hungary Forum of Rectors took place in Budapest. The TSUOS Rector also attended it. A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies and Károli Gáspár University. This document establishes and develops academic and scientific exchange between the two higher education institutions. The implementation of joint research projects is in the interests of both parties.

On July 7, 2023, representatives of Károli Gáspár University, Milton Friedman University, and the Forum of Hungarian Rectors visited TSUOS to develop academic and scientific relations. The leadership of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies is optimistic about the prospects for cooperation with Hungarian universities and plans to take practical measures to strengthen and expand them.

Interviewed by Bekhruz Khudoyberdiyev, UzA