Two parties submit documents to take part in presidential elections
12:21 / 2016-09-20

On 19 September 2016, the Milliy Tiklanish democratic party of Uzbekistan and the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – The Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan contacted the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and submitted the documents necessary for taking part in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

On 19 September 2016, the Milliy Tiklanish democratic party of Uzbekistan and the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – The Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan contacted the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and submitted the documents necessary for taking part in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with Article 24 of the law “On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, political parties have the right to put forward candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Here political parties can put forward candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan if they were registered by the Justice Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan at least six months prior to the day of the announcement of beginning of electoral campaigning.

In line with Article 24 of that law, in order to take part in elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan political parties should submit the following documents to the Central Electoral Commission at least 70 days before election day: applications signed by party leaders for participation in elections, certificates from the Justice Ministry confirming that political parties were registered and information about future candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Central Electoral Commission then gives the authorised representatives of political parties certificates bearing the date of acceptance of these documents.

On the basis of the documents submitted, the Central Electoral Commission takes a final decision within five days on granting political parties permission to take part in elections.

Under the law “On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, lists of political parties taking part in elections are published in the central press in order of acceptance of applications.