The Youth Festival “We are the Children of a Great Country” in Navoi region
16:17 / 2016-04-14

The Youth Festival under the motto "We are the Children of a Great Country", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of our country, held in Navoi region.

The Youth Festival under the motto "We are the Children of a Great Country", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of our country, held in Navoi region.

This festival, conducted in connection with the 25th anniversary of Independence of our Homeland by the Central Council of the Public Youth Movement "Kamolot", also serves to unite the younger generation around good ideas, identify talented young people, and support their aspirations and initiatives, the manifestation of their talent and potential. Boys and girls actively participated in competitions and seminars organized in the framework of the festival in all districts of the region, the sides exchanged views on the fight against the various ideological vices and destructive ideas that promote immorality, careful attitude to national values. The event was attended by young people, which has reached great success in the fields of business, industry, science, culture and sport, known literary critics, scientists, figures of culture and art.

In all cities and districts are conducted the various activities in the framework of 20 projects, such as "Khokim and Youth," "Deputy and Youth," "This is my Motherland," "Heroes of our time". At the “Mehribonlik” houses of mercy, as well as for young people with disabilities under the motto" No one will be left without the care and attention!" were organized various spiritual and educational activities. 

Within the framework of the project "Elderly - in high esteem," young people visited the labor veterans, single elderly people and helped them in their housework. In accordance with the project "I Serve Uzbekistan" soldiers of the military units located in the city of Navoi and Kyzyltepa District, presented demonstrative performance, which further strengthened a feeling of love and devotion to the Motherland in the hearts of young people.

At the end of the festival was presented a gala concert titled "Children of Independence" with the participation of well-known pop artists in the "Yoshlar" sports complex of Navoi city. Active participants of the event were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.

The Khokim (head of administration) of the Navoi region E.Turdimov made a speech at the event.