The Tenth Festival Anticipated to Be ‘Out of the Ordinary’
10:42 / 2015-07-13

The process of preparations for the 10th Sharq Taronalari (Melodies of the East) International Music Festival has been discussed at a press conference in Samarkand.

The process of preparations for the 10th Sharq Taronalari (Melodies of the East) International Music Festival has been discussed at a press conference in Samarkand.

The event participants included the members of the National Commission for the preparations and conduct of the festival as well as the regional working group. It was noted that the forum of art initiated by the President of our country and traditionally held since 1997 once in two years has turned into one of the world’s most prestigious cultural events.

The head of the information service of the festival S.Ostonov, executive director of the Sharq Taronalari International Music Festival T.Mahmudov, executive secretary of the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO Affairs A.Ikromov, chairman of the creative association “Tasviriy Oyina” I.Latipov and others presented data on the works in progress to prepare for the gala event.

Owing to the fact that every festival is held at a high organizational level, the number of culture and art figures willing to take part in the Sharq Taronalari forum has been growing consistently. During the first festival, representatives of 31 countries demonstrated their art at the Registan Square, while this time around 320 participants are expected to arrive from 65 nations. Representatives of Portugal, Mauritius, Bhutan, Costa-Rica, Mali, Peru, and Ecuador are anticipated to attend the festival for the first time.

As the festive event is held under the auspices of UNESCO, it has become a good tradition that the chief of the Organization attends the occasion. In particular, the UNESCO Secretary General Irina Bokova took part in the 2013 festival.

“The festival program is to include also a scientific-practical conference entitled “The Community of Music Culture of the Peoples of the East”,” says Professor Rustambek Abdullaev, director of the conference, doctor of arts. “To date, academics from 15 countries have expressed desire to take part in the science event designed to examine the stages of development in the Eastern traditional music and its role in the world musical art. The program of the conference is getting ready.”

The occasion participants also were presented with information on the course of preparations for meeting the guests in Samarkand, their accommodation in hotels, provision of quality modern services for them, as well as the construction and beautification works carried out to this end.

The journalists received answers to the questions they raised at the press conference.