The Security Council meeting is held under the chairmanship of the President
20:21 / 2018-11-28

An extended meeting of the Security Council under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being held at the Academy of the Armed Forces.

An extended meeting of the Security Council under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being held at the Academy of the Armed Forces.

This has been reported by the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that in accordance with the Action Strategy on development of Uzbekistan, large-scale activity is being carried out in the sphere of military construction.

The tasks set at the meeting of the Security Council on January 10, 2018, have been consistently implemented. 46 normative-legal acts aimed at reformation and development of the Armed Forces were adopted.

Over the past short period, the structure of military units has been completely updated, inefficient and duplicated units have been reduced. As a result, the expenditure of funds for maintenance of troops decreased. Outsourcing system in food supply was introduced, which allowed increasing combat readiness of military units and halving time indicators.

The correctness of the conducted work is clearly evidenced by the fact that in a year the army of Uzbekistan rose to 9 positions in the world ranking of power of the armed forces, as well as Uzbekistan’s military servicemen became first in “Cambrian patrol” contest in the UK with participation of 123 teams from 90 countries.

In order to ensure the unity of army and people, military-administrative sectors have been established in all regions, which are carrying out effective activities.

Meetings were held with participation of heads of state and economic management bodies, regional khokims and their deputies.

State Committee for Defense Industry has been established, bringing together all relevant enterprises.

Special attention is paid to social protection of servicemen, their families and veterans of the sphere. So far, 56 houses have been built for them, and more than 1.5 thousand servicemen were provided with housing. Construction of 74 more houses continues.

Issues of further strengthening Uzbekistan’s military power, development of defense industry and military education, modernization of weapons and military equipment, improvement of command system through introduction of information-communication technologies are considered at the meeting.