The Republican Festival of Friendship and Culture “Uzbekistan is our common home”
13:45 / 2016-03-29

The VI Republican Festival of Friendship and Culture "Uzbekistan is our common home", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of our country and the Year of Healthy Mother and Child held in Fergana.

The VI Republican Festival of Friendship and Culture "Uzbekistan is our common home", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of our country and the Year of Healthy Mother and Child held in Fergana.

The event, organized by the Republican International Cultural Center, the Khokimiyat of the Fergana region, the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan and other organizations, was attended by representatives of national cultural centers of the region, state and public organizations.

Director of the Republican International Cultural Center N.Muhammadiev, deputy chairman of the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan G.Marupova and others noted that under the leadership of the President of our country special attention is paid to the protection of human rights and interests, ensuring inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance in the country.

High priority is given to issues of peace and tranquility that prevails in our society atmosphere of mutual respect, civil and inter-ethnic harmony and unity. These features have once again appeared on the traditional festival of friendship.

Currently, in the Fergana region in peace and harmony is inhabited by more than 100 nations and nationalities, they make a worthy contribution to the development of our country. All the conditions created for them to freely celebrate their festivals and customs, preserved the national values and traditions. The effective activities of national cultural centers were established, which receive all-round support.

During the event, the gathering of citizens in the village of Logon in Fergana district and in Rishtan district were held the "round table" discussions on the theme "National and religious tolerance is a factor of stability", "Our strength is in unity and solidarity."

Conducted scientific-practical seminar "The role of inter-ethnic harmony in the upbringing of healthy generation" and the exhibitions "We are your happy children, Uzbekistan", "Healthy mother and child is the happiness of the nation."

The festival had become a great holiday, where artistic collectives of national cultural centers performed.