The referendum is the way to a new stage in the development of statehood
23:59 / 2023-04-07

Opinion of the leading researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B.Suleymenov of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Yorkin Baydarov:

– Holding a national referendum in Uzbekistan on the adoption of a new Constitution in the conditions of geopolitical turbulence of international relations, where bifurcation and entropy contribute their “scenarios” to the development of society, is an important event not only for the country, but also for the entire Central Asian region. The idea of amending the current Constitution as a necessity for the progressive movement of Uzbekistan toward the modernization of society was announced by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his inaugural speech in November 2021. Then the Head of the state emphasized that such a proposal comes primarily from the residents of the country. Bringing the Constitution in line with modern trends will certainly allow the country and its citizens to lay the foundations of social, democratic and legal statehood. This will become an important factor in improving the welfare of the population, further enhancing human rights and interests, human dignity and liberalizing all spheres of life, and will also mark a new period in the development of the New Uzbekistan.

In the summer of 2022, a similar referendum was held in Kazakhstan, which allowed the country to move to a new state model, a new format of interaction between the state and society. By changing the constitution, it is planned to move “from a super-presidential form of government to a presidential republic with an influential parliament and an accountable government”.

The fact that the process of improving the Constitution of Uzbekistan has taken on a nationwide character is evidenced by the fact that a nationwide discussion on the draft Constitutional law has been held. More than 220 thousand proposals from the population of the country on its improvement, of which every fourth was reflected in the project, speak volumes. In addition, during the preparation of the draft, more than 400 documents adopted by the UN, OSCE, SCO, EU, OTS and other international organizations, including the constitutions of almost 190 states, were thoroughly analyzed. In addition, the project was supported by foreign experts and specialists in this industry, and also passed about 10 international examinations.

The new Constitution will allow making appropriate adjustments to the “Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, as well as to the “Concept of the Development Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2035”, which already turns the holding of a national referendum into an important historical event in the life of the country entering a new stage of development of its statehood.

G.Khonnazarov, UzA