The memory of ancestors who ensured a peaceful and prosperous life will forever remain in our hearts
18:57 / 2019-05-09

Honoring the memory of our ancestors, who gave their lives for today’s peaceful days, continuation of their noble deeds, respectful attitude to veterans who are among us, contributing to peaceful life and prosperity of people have become an integral part of our spiritual life.

Honoring the memory of our ancestors, who gave their lives for today’s peaceful days, continuation of their noble deeds, respectful attitude to veterans who are among us, contributing to peaceful life and prosperity of people have become an integral part of our spiritual life.

Such noble principles are embodied on the basis of a wide celebration of the Day of Memory and Honor.

On these holidays, we once again deeply realize at the expense of what difficulties our peaceful life has been achieved. We bow our heads before the memory of our compatriots who sacrificed their lives for the sake of victory.

The Decree of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On encouraging the participants of the Second World War” and the resolution “On measures for the preparation and conduction of events dedicated to the Day of Memory and Honor” of April 23 this year reflect such good goals as taking care of war participants, commemorating our compatriots who gave their lives in the name of a peaceful and free life.

In accordance with these documents, each participant of the Second World War was handed a congratulatory message from the President, a remuneration in the amount of 7,500,000 soums and holiday gifts. Relevant staff is assigned for patronage of medical care and social protection for each war veteran. Free vouchers to the sanatorium are given.

Along with participants of the war and veterans of the labor front, material and moral assistance is also provided to members of families of servicemen and law enforcement officers who died during the years of independence while on duty.

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city khokimiyats together with the ministries of Culture, Defense, Internal Affairs, the Women’s Committee, the Youth Union, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, the Nuroniy Foundation and the Mahalla Public Charitable Foundation and other organizations are holding special meetings and spiritual-enlightenment events dedicated to the participants of the war and veterans of the labor front.

On May 9, senators and deputies, members of the government, and military personnel gathered in the Square of Memory in Tashkent.

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev paid tribute to the memory of our compatriots who gave their life in the Second World War and laid flowers at the Sorrowful Mother Monument.

The festive event on the occasion of the Day of Memory and Honor and the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War has taken place in Tashkent Botanical Garden.

The festive event was attended by war and labor veterans who arrived from the Republic of Karakalpakstan and other regions.

The President warmly welcomed each veteran, wished them health and longer life. Veterans wished peace and tranquility in the country, wellbeing to our people.

Spectators were offered a costume reconstruction act dedicated to the deeds of bravery by the division under the command of famous Uzbek general Sobir Rahimov. The Head of the state watched the performance alongside the veterans.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated the veterans and all our people on the Day of Memory and Honor and the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War.

The garden has housed artistic compositions and installations reminiscent of the Second World War. A command headquarters, trenches and dugouts, a first-aid post, a field kitchen have been built. Trains and military equipment of those times are masterly exhibited here.

The Head of the state noted that we should study more deeply the heroism and courage of all compatriots who contributed to the victory, conduct scientific research, create artworks, films and plays about their lives and activities. The youth should understand, thanks to the heroism of which people we do not know what war is, we live in a peaceful tranquil time, and this should be appreciated.

No one will forget that the Second World War, which took the lives of millions of people, was the most terrible and bloody in the history of mankind. On the eve of the war, 6.5 million people lived in Uzbekistan. More than 1.5 million citizens from Uzbekistan participated in the war. Half a million of them died, many were missing, returned from the war disabled. Such facts show what a terrible price people paid for this victory.

The true courage of our people, shown during the war years, are an example for all mankind. People of Uzbekistan received almost 1 million evacuees under their shelter. They showed particular love to 200 thousand innocent children, who, with love, with the words “You are not an orphan!”, as if they were relatives, accepted into families, shared the last piece of bread with them. The Shomakhmudovs family from Tashkent hosted 14 children, Samadov from Kattakurgan – 12, Djurayevs and Ashurkhujayevs from Bukhara – eight children. There are many more such examples.

At the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a monument to the family of blacksmith from Tashkent Sh.Shomakhmudov was returned to its former place – on Friendship of Peoples Square in Tashkent.

The Head of the state noted that at present activities on construction of Victory Park has begun in Tashkent.

The Museum of Glory will be built in the structure of the park, which will be erected on the basis of a deeply developed beautiful architectural project. In forming the content of this magnificent commemorative complex, the museum’s exposition, we will rely on the opinions, suggestions and recommendations of our respected veterans, historians, creative intelligentsia and the general public, the President said.

A wide place in the program of the event was given to poems and songs of famous poets and artists, which are consonant with the essence of the Day of Memory and Honor.

The concert continued with performances by military orchestra and artistic groups.

The announcement by Yuri Levitan about the end of the war, about Victory, as 74 years ago, excited participants of the event.

The artistic program of the event, which embodied the memories of the war years, the value of today’s peaceful and tranquil life, made an unforgettable impression on the audience.

May 9 – Day of Memory and Honor is widely celebrated in all regions of the country.