The EU Project has summed up its activities in Uzbekistan
06:00 / 1970-01-01

An event dedicated to the closure of the EU-funded Project “Management Training Program for small business and private entrepreneurship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (MTP) was held at LOTTE Tashkent Hotel.

On June 18, an event dedicated to the closure of the EU-funded Project “Management Training Program for small business and private entrepreneurship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (MTP) was held at LOTTE Tashkent Hotel. Ambassador Eduards Stiprais, Head of the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan and the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan addressed the event.

In accordance with the national training program, the MTP Project “Management Training Program – Strengthening the capacity of heads of enterprises of small business and private entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan”, funded by the European Union, was implemented in the country since September 2013, the main objective of which was to improve quality management at enterprises, as well as development of business relations with European companies.

As reported by the Press Service of the CCI of Uzbekistan, the project was implemented by a consortium of companies led by the Greek “European Profiles S.A.” and in close cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan. To achieve its goals, the project carried out work in two directions.

The first direction is the training program through individual and group internships of managers of small enterprises of Uzbekistan in identical companies of the European Union. Since the implementation of the Project in September 2013, for financing of which the EU has allocated more than 3.5 million euros, MTP has allowed 162 managers of small enterprises of Uzbekistan to undertake internships in identical companies of the European Union. The project covered 21 sectors of the economy.

The second direction of the project was “Training of Trainers” (ToT) program. As a result of the program, 15 business trainers and consultants successfully passed training and received certificates.

To date, the MTP Project is one of the most successful projects of the European Union in Uzbekistan. Over the past five years, the project has made a great contribution to the promotion of Uzbekistan and its economic potential among the communities of European businessmen in most countries of the European Union. It should be noted that the MTP Project implementation can serve as a model for the future similar projects.