The draft state program is on public discussion
21:37 / 2019-01-11

A roundtable discussion was held at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dedicated to discussion of the draft State Program for 2019, the Year of Active Investments and Social Development.

A roundtable discussion was held at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dedicated to discussion of the draft State Program for 2019, the Year of Active Investments and Social Development. The event was organized by the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Development Strategy Center.

The draft State Program is posted on the website 2019.strategy.uz and the portal for discussion of draft normative legal documents – regulation.gov.uz. To this day, the 2019.strategy.uz website has received more than 2 thousand proposals, and over 300 proposals to the portal for discussing draft normative legal documents.

247 proposals and comments were submitted on the issues concerning the population for ensuring the priority of the law and further reforming the judicial-legal system. In particular, it is proposed to introduce a simplification of the passport regime, cancel permanent registration and restrictions related to the purchase of housing on the secondary market in the city of Tashkent and Tashkent region, review the criminal and criminal procedure spheres of the legislation, introduce mandatory notarization of certain transactions.

According to the program of the year, it is proposed to introduce the practice of approving members of the government by the Oliy Majlis, and the heads of territorial state bodies by relevant Kengashes of people’s deputies.

In the document, special attention is paid to development of the economy and attracting investment. The importance of the Concept for development of the tourism sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019-2025 was emphasized.

In the project, special attention is also paid to ensuring the openness of activities of the state bodies, increasing the efficiency of their activity, improving legislative acts, eliminating gaps in this direction.

It was emphasized that development and adoption of a law on approval of the Concept of foreign policy activities of the Republic of Uzbekistan will undoubtedly serve to promoting the political and economic interests of the country in the international arena, improving the foreign economic and political activity of the state.

Following the meeting, recommendations were developed for improving and adopting the project.