Textile industry improves production
16:55 / 2015-11-04

A press conference on the further development of light industry in our country has been held at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan. It was organized by O'zbekyengilsanoat Joint-stock company.

A press conference on the further development of light industry in our country has been held at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan. It was organized by O'zbekyengilsanoat Joint-stock company.

Textile industry of Uzbekistan, keeping centuries-old traditions of cotton processing, has taken a solid niche in the macro-economic complex of the country in the years of independence. Thanks to favorable conditions and preferences, solid legal basis, established under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, textile enterprises have made significant progress and have reached a new stage of development.

The following figures demonstrate the place of textile industry in economy: its share in GDP is 3.8 percent, in industrial production - 26.2 percents, in non-food consumer goods output- over 44 per cents. The volume of domestic processing of cotton fiber has increased from 7 percent in 1991 to 35 per cent in 2014.

The key to achieving high performance indicators has been a well thought-out effective policies to attract foreign investment and technology, modernization, technical and technological renovation of production, development of small businesses and private entrepreneurship based on national experiences and accepted international norms. As a result, over 2.2 US dollars have been raised and more than 180 large investment projects have been implemented in the industry in the years of independence.

Among the most significant projects are establishment of a new joint venture Indorama Kokand Textile on the basis of Kokand Textile Mill. The project with a capacity of 29 thousand tons of yearn per year cost 110 million US dollars. No less ambitious project, worth more than $ 50 million has been production lines of 12 thousand tons of cotton yarn per year in the Khorezm region by Uztex group of companies together with Switzerland's Capital Suisse.

Establishment of Rieter Uzbekistan FE LLC in cooperation with the Swiss company Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG on the basis of former Uzbektextilmash production association has been another significant achievement in the development of the industry. The company manufactures belt, carding, ring spinning machines.

Thus, currently production capacities of enterprises of O'zbekyengilsanoat JSC exceeds 450 thousand tons in spinning, 296 million square meters of fabric in weaving, 90 thousand tons of knitted fabric, and 270.2 million pieces of knitwear products.

Introduction of high-performance modern technologies resulted in an increase of exports: they reached one billion US dollars in 2014. Today, textile products are exported to 50 countries.
In anticipation of the 24th anniversary of the Uzbekistan's independence O'zbekyengilsanoat JSC has put into operation 18 new industrial enterprises worth 99 million US dollars with export potential of 43.1 million dollars. Over thousand jobs have been created.

By 2020 O'zbekyengilsanoat JSC plans to increase industrial production by 3 times, including cotton yarn - by 2.5, the finished fabric - 2.8, silk fabrics - 2.7, non-woven fabrics - 1.5 , knitted fabric - 2.7 times.

Among the priorities of O'zbekyengilsanoat JSC are further development of the textile industry, in particular, production of finished fabrics and clothing, as well as establishment, together with "Uzkimyosanoat" of a new production line of artificial and synthetic fibers and filaments.