Tanzila Narbayeva attends the Second SCO Women’s Forum
18:30 / 2019-05-16

Deputy Prime Minister, Chairperson of the Women’s Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tanzila Narbayeva addressed the Second Women’s Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which takes place on May 15-16 in Bishkek.

Deputy Prime Minister, Chairperson of the Women’s Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tanzila Narbayeva addressed the Second Women’s Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which takes place on May 15-16 in Bishkek.

The Second Women’s Forum was attended by deputy prime ministers, ministers, heads of major public associations of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

At the opening ceremony of the Forum, the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Muhammedkaliy Abylgaziyev delivered a message on behalf of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov.

Tanzila Narbayeva attends the Second SCO Women’s Forum

The forum consists of five sessions, where such important issues as gender aspects of regional cooperation of the SCO countries in the context of Beijing+25 regional review, participation of women in sustainable and inclusive economic development of the region, improvement of the status of women and girls within the framework of the SCO development, investment in healthcare and education are discussed.

At the forum, Tanzila Narbayeva spoke about reforms in all spheres, improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is aimed at increasing the role and participation of women in the development process of society. Narbayeva noted that activities carried out within the framework of the SCO is impossible without participation of women’s organizations that play a leading role in development of their countries.

In her speech, she expressed her gratitude to the organizers of the Forum and assured that Uzbekistan is ready to continue close cooperation with women’s organizations of the SCO member states to further achieve constructive and sustainable results within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.