Surkhandarya welcomes International Forum participants
Preparations for the International Archaeological Forum “Uzbekistan – crossroads of civilizations”, which will be held on August 24-25, 2019, continue in Termez.
Preparations for the International Archaeological Forum “Uzbekistan – crossroads of civilizations”, which will be held on August 24-25, 2019, continue in Termez.
The event will be attended by scientists, archaeologists, specialists from many countries of the world.
Within two days, domestic and foreign participants of the forum will become familiar with achievements in innovations, amazing discoveries on archaeological monuments of Fayaztepa in Termez district and Kampirtepa in Muzrabad district. The location of Alexandria Oksianskaya ancient city, which is being discussed for many years in scientific community, will be clarified. Participants will become familiar with exhibits of different periods of history at Termez Archeological Museum.
All the necessary conditions are created for participants at the Arts Palace, which will host the main events. The streets and alleys are landscaped and decorated with appropriate panels and banners.