Special issue of Pakistani magazine devoted to reforms and elections held in Uzbekistan
11:17 / 2020-01-05

The monthly Pakistani Centreline magazine issued a special issue dedicated to the parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan, as well as democratic and socio-economic reforms carried out within the framework of the Action Strategy on five priority areas of development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.

The monthly Pakistani Centreline magazine issued a special issue dedicated to the parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan, as well as democratic and socio-economic reforms carried out within the framework of the Action Strategy on five priority areas of development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.

The initiator and author of the issue is Ansar Mahmood Bhatti, Editor-in-Chief of the publication and the capital news agency Islamabad Post, who visited Uzbekistan in December 2019 to cover the parliamentary elections, as well as a number of Pakistani experts who participated in the elections as international observers.


The special issue includes such articles as “New Uzbekistan – New Opportunities”, “Uzbekistan safest country to travel and invest”, “Uzbekistan’s Parliamentary Elections 2019 – from the Eyes of an International Observer”, “Investment Climate in the Republic of Uzbekistan: Current State, Challenges and Solutions” and others.

In the magazine, it is noted that Uzbekistan is one of those countries that have made progress in all spheres by leaps and bounds. Development activities in this landlocked country got an added spur when President Shavkat Mirziyoyev took over after demise of Islam Karimov, the architect of modern Uzbekistan.


It is emphasized that the security situation in Uzbekistan is meticulous. It is because of fool proof security that foreigners come to this country without any hesitation and fear.

As the author writes, Uzbek people on December 22, 2019 voted in the parliamentary and local government elections under the theme New Uzbekistan – New Elections. From Pakistan 15 observers observed the election process in various parts of the country. The international observers were all praise for arrangements made for the elections.


According to the author, the election event also provided them with an opportunity of talking to people of various nationalities and doing business in Uzbekistan. They came across many Pakistanis successfully doing business in Uzbekistan while there is no dearth of businessmen who have already identified areas in which they would like to invest in the coming days. Conductive business environment, investors’ friendly policies and flawless security situation are few factors that lead to inflow foreign investments and businessmen. 

Centreline also provides other relevant information on ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan, the current situation in the country, which interests Pakistani readers.