Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “We will accelerate the work to turn Tashkent into one of the megacities with clean air”
16:01 / 2023-07-05

On July 5, the Presidential Candidate from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with the voters of Tashkent.

The candidate’s proxy in Tashkent Rustam Kalonov opened the meeting. It was noted that under the leadership of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, major reforms have been carried out in the capital, Tashkent is turning into a center of science and a metropolis, developing in every possible way.

Candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev presented his Election Program and informed about plans to green the capital in the next seven years.

“Tashkent has 900 hectares of green space”, says Presidential Candidate Shavkat Mirziyoyev. – In the next seven years, we will increase this area by 5 times. To do this, at least a million ornamental and fruit trees and cuttings are planted annually throughout the city. 1,000 seedlings will be planted in each micro-district. In Yashnabad, Yangikhayot, Sergeli, and Mirzo Ulugbek districts, green and thematic parks will be created on an area of 4,000 hectares. Throughout the city, 100 kilometers of bicycle paths, 32 parks, 30 green areas, and alleys will be organized.

It was noted that on the territory of New Tashkent, it is planned to build a large Aqua Park on 50 hectares, $200 million will be allocated for these purposes. Also, an artificial lake with an area of 35 hectares and all conditions for the cultural recreation of people will be created there.

It was noted that the service of buses running on diesel fuel would be completely stopped in Tashkent.

“We will accelerate the work to ensure environmental sustainability in the capital, turning it into one of the megacities with clean air”, the candidate said. – By 2030, we will reduce the amount of harmful gases emitted into the air by 150,000 tons, or 50 percent. In particular, an additional 1,200 electric buses will be brought in, and their share in public transport will be increased to 50 percent. The remaining buses will be switched to gas fuel, which has three times less harmful emissions. Not a single diesel bus will remain.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev also spoke about his plans to improve the environmental situation related to wastewater in Sergeli, Bektemir and Yangikhayot districts.

“I know that in recent years, the environmental situation associated with wastewater in Sergeli, Bektemir, and Yangikhayot districts has caused many reasonable objections from the population”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev says. – Considering this, a new modern facility will be built, the treatment capacity of which will be 1.5 million cubic meters of wastewater per day.

According to the candidate, the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development is ready to invest $240 million.

At the meeting, it was noted that it is planned to build an elevated metro or tram line from Dustlik Metro Station to New Tashkent. The “safe and smooth road” principle will be widely implemented thanks to the digitalization of traffic management.

To reduce traffic based on international best practices:

– at all intersections (605), the management system “smart intersection” and “smart traffic light” will be introduced (currently – 64);

– multi-storey car parks will be organized at 5 entrances to the city and almost 6 metro stations with intensive passenger traffic;

– 12 overpasses will be built on the streets where long traffic jams form and modern parking meters for 3 thousand places will be installed along the roads.

– to create even more comfortable conditions for the population, a 15-kilometer underground metro or tram line with 115,000 passengers will be laid from Dustlik Metro Station to New Tashkent.

At a meeting with voters in Tashkent, Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed his opinion about the burning of the Quran in Sweden.

“At the same time, we are absolutely against any form of radicalism and extremism, manifestations of disrespect for the religious values of different nations and peoples”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. “In particular, we strongly condemn the recent atrocities committed in Sweden, such as the burning of the Holy Quran. We must not allow situations that offend the religion and noble feelings of millions of people on Earth.

In the candidate’s Election Program, special attention is paid to supporting culture and art, the library fund in the country, and the popularization of reading in the next seven years.

“A creative order will be given annually to create 100 best works of art and 50 art books for children and teenagers, and the authors will be paid a fee of 100 million UZS”, the candidate said. – These books will be published in 20,000 copies and distributed free of charge to schools and libraries. 200 billion UZS will be allocated annually for this. In the next seven years, the library’s book fund of about 40 million books will be fully digitized, and a single catalog will be created. All libraries in our country will be completely renovated by 2030. We will allocate 500 billion UZS for these purposes.

The candidate also noted:

– In the next seven years, we will triple the wages of representatives of culture and art, museum and library workers. At the same time, the salary of librarians in schools will be equated to teachers’ wages. Until 2030, representatives of the sphere of culture and art and writers will be provided with 10,000 apartments on preferential terms in residential areas under construction.

At the meeting, representatives of the party and guests noted that they would support the candidacy of Shavkat Mirziyoyev in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan and urged others to do the same.

Ziyodulla Jonibekov, UzA