Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Every young man is as dear to me as to his parents
15:25 / 2021-02-04

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has arrived in Fergana region on February 4.

The program of the trip is very rich. The first destination was the viticulture cooperative “Fayzli bog’lar sari” in Oltiariq district.

Residents are famous for their high culture of agriculture and gardening. By engaging in this activity, they can ensure the well-being of both their own and their neighbors.

However, cotton and wheat were grown in large quantities in the district despite the low yield compared to other crops. The policy of the Head of the state, aimed at structural changes in agriculture and the cultivation of crops in demand by the market, has opened up great opportunities for dehkans and young people.

Previously, 20 quintals of cotton and 25 quintals of grain were grown on 6 hectares in the cooperative which was visited by the President. Last year, a vineyard was laid out here and grapes of such varieties as Husayni, Kelin Barmoq and Rizamat were planted. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, peppers and other vegetables are grown between the rows. A drip irrigation system has been introduced.

Most importantly, the cooperative has allocated allotments to 51 young people, including migrant workers who have returned from abroad. They can grow vegetables and harvest up to four crops a year.

“Every young man is as dear to me as to his parents”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said in an interview with them. – At the moment, this is one of the great opportunities for rapid employment of young people. A person who finds his place in life grows self-confidence, begins to strive for more.

If today we create a source of income for young people, train them to work, help them get back on their feet, in 2-3 years they will not depend on anyone. They will have a bank account, they will get a house, they will live well, they will raise their children well.

The President advised young people to study more and improve their activities.

“Life is a struggle, a competition. Who will be strong in this fight? The one who is smart, educated, works hard. Today, young people should feel the attention of our state, read a lot, increase their knowledge and continue to develop”, the Head of the state noted.

Instructions were given for the employment of 200 thousand young people in Fergana region through the allocation of land plots to them.

The total area of “Fayzli bog’lar sari” viticulture cooperative is about 130 hectares. Of these, 40 hectares are vineyards, 90 hectares are intensive gardens. There is a freezing warehouse with a capacity of 2 thousand tons, cargo equipment. The majority of the grown products will be sent for export.

Agricultural projects to be implemented in Fergana region were also presented here.