Senators adopted news laws and legislative amendments in Senate session
19:41 / 2016-08-26

On 25 August 2016 the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan continued its plenary session in Tashkent.

On 25 August 2016 the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan continued its plenary session in Tashkent.

The second day of the plenary session started with consideration of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On labour protection” in new edition. The law is aimed at further improving labour safety, strengthening the responsibility of the employer and employees for the implementation of the requirements in this area, defining the powers of public authorities to ensure proper monitoring of working conditions and safety.

The document also regulates issues of attestation of employees on work conditions, audit of labour protection management system, etc.

It sets mechanism on participation of public and professional unions in conducting public control in the field. It also sets their rights.

Senators also considered the Law “On introducing amendments to legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, in accordance with which several legal acts are amended, aimed at further improving existing legislation in social, political, economic and judicial spheres.

In connection with the adoption of the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 21 December 2015 “On additional measures to attract foreign investors to the joint stock companies”, amendments were introduced to the Law “On joint-stock companies and protection of the rights of shareholders” , aimed at wide attraction of foreign investors to joint-stock companies, creation of favorable condition for their participation in corporate management, in accordance with which the share of foreign shareholder(s) may not be less that 15% in charter capital of the company.

Also in accordance with the amendments to the Laws “On normative legal acts” and “On Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the national legislative database is given a status of an official source for publishing normative legal acts, which creates additional conditions for timely informing the public about the latest legislative changes and news, using the modern ICT tools.

During the two-day session of the senate 10 issues, including 6 Laws, aimed at steady deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society, were considered. Their implementation will serve as a solid factor in further improving the quality of life of people, strengthening stability and welfare in the country.

The sixth plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis concluded its work.