Scale of housing construction expanding
22:32 / 2017-06-22

In this country, large-scale work is being carried out to raise the standard of living in rural areas through improving the architectural appearance of rural population centres, building individual houses on standard projects and rapidly developing engineering, transport and social infrastructure.

In this country, large-scale work is being carried out to raise the standard of living in rural areas through improving the architectural appearance of rural population centres, building individual houses on standard projects and rapidly developing engineering, transport and social infrastructure.

A Presidential resolution dated 21 October 2016 on a programme of construction of affordable housing on updated standard projects in rural areas in the years2017-2021 raised work in this area to a new level.

And more and more people of rural areas have modern and comfy housing. The rational use of land resources are ensured.

This was said at a news conference held at the national press centre on the implementation of the programme for the construction of affordable houses on updated standard projects in rural areas.

“The programme envisages the construction of three types of affordable individual houses. In accordance with the programme, 15 thousand new houses and apartments are to be built in the year 2017. Now 546 houses have been built in selected areas and have been put into use,” says Jahongir Ibrohimov, chief engineer of the Qishloq Qurilish Invest engineering company.

Apartment houses are being built with the use of modern building materials produced locally. In every residential area, the construction of services facilities, sports grounds, engineering systems, playgrounds and recreational areas are envisaged. The wide use of new types of energy-saving materials and equipment made locally help to lower the construction costs of houses being built, thus making them affordable to all the sections of the population.

People’s self-governing bodies, on the basis of principles of openness and justifiability, will select those who need an improvement in living conditions and who desire affordable housing in rural areas.

At the news conference, answers were given to journalists’ questions.