Results are summed up, plans for the future are defined
00:08 / 2019-01-26

Tashkent hosted an international conference on “Obod qishloq” (Prosperous village) and “Obod makhalla” (Prosperous neighborhood) programs: first results and plans for the future”.

Tashkent hosted an international conference on “Obod qishloq” (Prosperous village) and “Obod makhalla” (Prosperous neighborhood) programs: first results and plans for the future”.

The event was organized jointly by the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, “Yuksalish” national movement, Development Strategy Center, the World Bank’s office in Uzbekistan, the United Nations Development Programme, the Swiss Confederation and the U.S. Department of State.

Over 250 representatives of local khokimiyats, relevant ministries and agencies, civil society institutions, non-governmental non-profit, international organizations, the diplomatic corps, the expert community and the mass media attended the international conference held to ensure timely and widely informing the public about the work implemented within the framework of improvement programs, discussion of tasks to be resolved, attracting funds of financial institutions.

Within the framework of “Obod qishloq” and “Obod makhalla” programs, initiated by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, construction and landscaping works were carried out in 416 villages in 159 districts. 142 thousand individual and more than a thousand multi-storey buildings, 3 thousand kilometers of roads were repaired. Power lines with a length of 2.5 thousand kilometers, 2 thousand kilometers of water supply networks were laid and repaired. Construction of 2400 markets and other infrastructure has been completed. 388 schools, 313 preschools, 168 medical institutions, 55 other social facilities were built and repaired.

According to “Obod makhalla” program, landscaping work was performed in at least two makhallas of each city in 2018. By 2022, it is envisaged to cover such works in 3 makhallas and more in each city. At the same time, construction, installation and repair of drinking water supply networks, electricity and gas supply, sewage systems, reduction of the groundwater level were performed.

The conference became a convenient opportunity for a wide study of foreign experience, a detailed discussion of joint projects with representatives of international organizations, as well as establishment of cooperation between representatives of government agencies, businessmen and the population.

Following the event, proposals of international organizations and experts on implementation of “Obod qishloq” and “Obod makhalla” programs, opinions on elimination of existing problems were summarized.