Reliable protection of health of the population, increasing effectiveness of reforms in the sphere of medicine should be at the center of constant attention of our state
09:53 / 2017-07-07

On July 6, a video-conference under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on issues of further improvement of healthcare system, elimination of problems and shortcomings in the sphere was held in Tashkent.

On July 6, a video-conference under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on issues of further improvement of healthcare system, elimination of problems and shortcomings in the sphere was held in Tashkent.

The conference was attended by members of the government, heads of ministries and departments, rectors of higher medical educational institutions, directors of republican specialized medical centers, chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions, the city of Tashkent, districts and cities, heads of healthcare institutions.

Issues of strengthening human health – the invaluable wealth of society, improving the quality of medical services are constantly at the center of attention of the head of our state. President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev, during trips to the regions, visits rural medical stations, multi-disciplinary clinics along with various objects of the social sphere, holds a dialogue with doctors and patients, which contributes to the effective resolution of many issues at places.

As it is known, specific instructions on radical improvement of the sphere, elimination of problems and shortcomings that cause a fair dissatisfaction of compatriots were given at the meetings on healthcare issues that were held on January 5 and February 7 of this year, implementation of programs in the sphere were fully considered. Conduction of a meeting on this theme for the third time in a half year demonstrates the great attention paid to these issues.

As the President of our country noted at the meeting, healthcare issues directly relate to an everyday life of each person, so the emergence of problems in this sphere has a strong impact on people’s health, the social mood of society, and finally, on the population’s confidence in the state and government.

In this regard, not solving this extremely important, crucial issue, it is impossible to speak about the high effectiveness of reforms implemented in other spheres and sectors.

Recent positive changes in elimination of shortcomings in the medical sphere were noted at the meeting.

Speaking about this, first of all, it should be noted that, within the framework of implementation of the resolution on improving primary medico-sanitary care, rural family polyclinics are organized on the basis of 793 rural health units, 441 emergency medical care stations have been established, 658 buildings of rural medical units have been given to doctors as official housing.

Out of 1200 ambulances that are scheduled to be delivered during the current year, 646 have already been delivered before July 1, including 126 “Damas” cars in Tashkent, which is also an important practical step in this direction.

At the same time, at the meeting, which was held in the spirit of critical analysis, the existing shortcomings in the sphere of healthcare were considered. The unsatisfactory level of activities of the patronage service was indicated. In this regard, the Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to prepare a provision that specifically defines the essence and main objectives of activities of the patronage service.

We must create such a system, in which not officials of the sphere, but the population itself will objectively evaluate activities of medical institutions, including the patronage service, said the head of our state.

Another actual problem – the shortage of medical personnel in the regions was discussed at the meeting. It was entrusted to develop a separate program on creation of necessary conditions for medical workers, in particular, providing them with affordable housing on the basis of preferential mortgage loans and allocation of consumer loans in order to change the situation to the positive side.

The current state of development of another priority area – the private sector in the healthcare system of our country has been thoroughly reviewed. It was noted that in accordance with the resolution of the head of our state of April 1 of this year, restrictions in activities of private medical institutions were abolished, they were granted a number of privileges, all types of high-tech operations were allowed. But despite the wide opportunities, passivity in development of the sphere is allowed. The reasons of this situation were critically analyzed. Serious shortcomings in this issue, especially in Syrdarya, Djizzak, Navoi, Kashkadarya regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan were indicated.

Local khokimiyats have been criticized for not paying enough attention to attracting investments in private medicine, supporting entrepreneurs wishing to establish a private medical institution, instructions were given on developing the private sector in the healthcare system. In particular, organization of the Fund for development of non-governmental medical institutions under “Asakabank” was recognized expedient. This fund was allocated 14 million US dollars from additional financial sources on instructions of the head of our state.

At the meeting, it was emphasized that the chairmen of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent, heads of ministries and departments bear personal responsibility for the consistent continuation of reforms in the healthcare system and expansion of the network of private medical institutions. They will submit a report to the President on a quarterly basis.

It was entrusted to take measures on attracting highly qualified doctors from abroad, to effectively use their knowledge and potential.

At the meeting, serious problems that still exist in drug supply and pricing were noted based on specific examples and ongoing monitoring data. Relevant organizations were instructed to develop mechanisms for production of drugs with fixed prices, ensuring constant availability of such drugs in pharmacies and issuing them on prescription.

Information of the heads of relevant ministries and departments, companies and economic administrations, khokims of a number of regions and districts were heard.