Quarantine rules are very strict
16:09 / 2020-03-20

Chinese people implicitly obey all the rules.

Were medical masks and food distributed free of charge in China? Is a bat lover related to coronavirus? What quality of Chinese people contributed to the victory over the virus?

UzA Сorrespondent Sherzod Isayev, who was in China during the epidemic and observed measures for countering the disease in the country, tells about all this.

Chinese people implicitly obey all the rules

No need to panic during the spread of coronavirus. It is necessary to strictly observe all the precautions recommended by the state. People of China do just that.

China is a country based on communist ideology. They do what the boss orders at work. Even if a higher official orders the Chinese, he will still only listen to his direct boss.

Examples of such obedience can be observed in the other process too. That is why almost 98 percent of the population followed all the precautions recommended by the state.

The following rules were established:

do not go out without need;

wash hands frequently and cleanly;

when shopping, use special respiratory masks. Regular masks will not help. Upon return, wash exposed parts of the body and wash clothes;

customers in small stores were measured the temperature at the entrance, and in large stores – at the entrance and exit.

Moreover, most importantly, unity is needed in everything.

About the dissemination of fictitious information...

Chinese national dishes are varied. They like to eat different animals. A girl, famous Chinese blogger, shot the video about a bat. It has nothing to do with coronavirus.

Free masks and all kinds of help

At the peak of the disease in China, people were not allowed to go out. In case of urgent need, it was recommended to maintain the established distance. Free distribution of masks and food was organized.