Quality of public services improves
06:00 / 1970-01-01

Karakalpak Department of the Agency for Public Services at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan has formed points of off-site public services at places, which are engaged in providing public services to citizens and businesses entities, simplifying rules for issuing permits.

Karakalpak Department of the Agency for Public Services at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan has formed points of off-site public services at places, which are engaged in providing public services to citizens and businesses entities, simplifying rules for issuing permits. Currently, there are 33 off-site registration centers and public services.

According to the head of Department K.Ortikov, as of June 15, 2018, the centers of public services provided 36 thousand 116 public services to legal entities and individuals, 6 thousand 244 business entities passed state registration. The centers of public services provided more than 2,100 public services, 1169 re-registrations.

In accordance with propaganda plan developed by department and local public service centers to cover activities of the centers, to date, more than 1,200 legal advocacy activities have been carried out in each district (city).

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the country "On measures for radical reforming the national system of public services to the population" of December 12, 2017, the Ministry of Justice established Agency for Public Services and Karakalpak, regional and Tashkent city administrations, city and district centers in its structure. On the basis of "single window" principle from 2018, services are provided not only to business entities, but also to individuals and legal entities.

Providing them with official vehicles helps to improve quality of public services. This provides opportunity for citizens, living in remote areas, to widely use public services. According to "moving documents, not citizens" principle, the system serves to strictly implement the idea of the President "It is not the people who must serve the government bodies, but rather the government bodies that must serve the people".

In order to provide mobile public services in remote areas of Karakalpakstan, all public service centers are provided with Damas cars.