Prospects of development of fruit and vegetable industry and viticulture
06:00 / 1970-01-01

Scientific and practical conference on "Current issues of development of fruit and vegetable industry and viticulture" was organized in Tashkent state agricultural university by the Union of youth of Uzbekistan.

Scientific and practical conference on "Current issues of development of fruit and vegetable industry and viticulture" was organized in Tashkent state agricultural university by the Union of youth of Uzbekistan.

The cultivated area has significantly expanded, capacities for storage and processing of fruit and vegetable products have been involved for implementation of projects on development of fruit and vegetable growing. Financial resources are actively involved, in particular, the funds of international financial institutions. Comprehensive measures are being taken to expand the production, storage, processing and export of fruit and vegetable products.

Although the results are achieved, some negative phenomena hinder the effective use of the potential of the agro-industrial sector of the country and its development. These include the underutilization of opportunities or artificial barriers, the untimely, poor-quality execution or non-performance of contracts.

The lack of opportunities for mechanization of agricultural labor, the introduction of modern, intensive and water-saving technologies, storage and transportation of products, the accumulation of financial resources of agricultural producers for independent entry into the foreign market seriously affects the development of the sphere. Our capacity is limited by the low level of training, lack of international cooperation in training of qualified personnel, development of logistics and transport infrastructure and other factors.

Ensuring the accelerated and effective development of fruit and vegetable production, expansion of production of high-quality and competitive finished products, bringing it to large foreign markets – all these requirements are dictated by time.

At the scientific and practical conference, these issues were given special attention. The sides also exchanged views on plans for the future, support for activities of producers, strengthening cooperation between scientific institutions and agricultural producers.