President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visits innovative greenhouse complex in Khorezm
16:39 / 2020-12-12

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has arrived in Khorezm region and visited an innovative greenhouse complex in Khanka district.

The object of Red Star Oxus LLC and worth more than 205 billion UZS was put into operation in February this year. At the first stage of the project, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers and herbs were grown on 7 hectares using the hydroponic method.

The greenhouse is created according to Ultra clima innovative design, developed by Kubo company. The advantage of this technology is that the warm air rising up is selected by fans and fed to the heating through plastic hoses located under each bed. This ensures high energy efficiency.

It should be noted that today in the world the total area of greenhouses of this fifth generation design is only about 200 hectares. Of these, 7 hectares are in Uzbekistan.

Another advantage is that special lamps are installed above the beds with radiation that simulates sunlight and provides the effect of photosynthesis, which contributes to high yields. For example, if tomatoes bear fruit in film greenhouses for 6 months, then in the fifth generation greenhouses, the crop can be harvested within a year.

It is this feature that the Head of the state emphasized in the course of familiarization.

“Today, food security is becoming the most pressing issue in the world. The world market requires that agricultural products are delivered not only in season, but all year round. A company that can do this will take its niche in the market. This is a great source of employment and export of products”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev stressed.

The process in the greenhouse is fully automated. At the first stage, 75 people are provided with permanent job here.

The President was informed about the company's plans. Thus, another greenhouse with an area of 8 hectares will be built as part of the second phase of the project. It is planned to be put into operation in December next year and employ another 150 people.

“This is a driver company. It is necessary to attract a wide range of entrepreneurs and provide them with all possible assistance to increase the number of such greenhouses. This is the future of agriculture in Khorezm”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The importance of forming a school for exchanging experience and training of entrepreneurs on the basis of this complex was noted.

“The first requirement for food is quality. Therefore, each greenhouse should have its own laboratory, its own brand”, the Head of the state noted.

Projects for implementation in agriculture was also presented here. Instructions were given on specialization of districts, development of new lands and introduction of irrigation systems. The task was set to ensure justice in the rice growing system, allocate allotments to population and, through this, employ people, and lift the poor out of poverty.

Information was also provided on the results of a sociological study and a dialogue on the study of social mood of young people in Khorezm region. The Head of the state instructed to develop an annual program for the implementation of the plans, taking into account the aspirations and abilities of each representative of the younger generation.