President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has arrived in Samarkand region
15:12 / 2017-04-14

Today President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has arrived in Samarkand region to review creative and beautification works, implementation pace of social-economic reforms in the region, for a dialogue with people.

Today President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has arrived in Samarkand region to review creative and beautification works, implementation pace of social-economic reforms in the region, for a dialogue with people.

Samarkand region has an important place in the economic, social and cultural life of our country due to its developed industry and agriculture, rich natural resources, a huge tourist potential.

Tens of types of vehicles are manufactured at the Samarkand automobile plant, JV Man Auto Uzbekistan, equipped in line with the advanced world standards. British-American Tobacco, Sam Antep Gilam, UrgGazKarpet, Amin Invest, Daka Tex, Agromir Samarkand, Sino JSC, Samarkandkimyo JSC, Sharq sanoati concern and other large industrial companies contribute to the development of region’s economy.

19 more joint ventures were founded in 2016, while their total number reached 263. The external trade turnover of the region constituted 1 billion 195 million US dollars. Last year the volume of exports increased by 1,5 times compared to 2015.

These dynamics may also be seen in the social-economic development of Samarkand. In 2016 the gross regional product increased by 8,7 per cent.

Samarkand residents, since ancient times known as skilful masters and enterprising people, achieve large results in the sphere of small business and private entrepreneurship. In 2016, 2838 multi-functional farming units were established, 9079 ha intensive orchards and 1000 ha wineries were planted. 11349 new jobs have been created in this sphere.

33 per cent of vegetables, 38 per cent of fruits, 34 per cent of milk, 27 per cent of meat, produced in the region, is processed by local enterprises. These growth rates are reflected in the increasing quality and level of life of people, appearance of cities and villages of the region.

Tourism is one of the main spheres of the economy of Samarkand region. Systemic works on efficient use of tourist resources, increasing the types and quality of travel services are currently underway in the region. Thanks to opportunities and conditions, created by the state, nowadays over one hundred hotels and over 80 travel firms operate in Samarkand. Their material-technical base is strengthening, the opportunities to provide high-quality services in line with contemporary requirements are widening.

New tourist directions are opened in order to develop environmental, recreational and agricultural tourism, supporting internal tourism.

In his pre-election meetings with the voters, Shavkat Mirziyoyev had laid out large plans and goals on consistent development of the works in this regard, comprehensive development of the region, ensuring the interests of the population. The visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev includes reviewing implementation of these plans and prospective projects.