President got acquainted with activities of Katqal’a teks enterprise in Shavat district
18:07 / 2018-11-29

The Head of the state during his visit to Khorezm region, instructed the Uztex Group of Companies to organize high-tech enterprise in Shavat district and create jobs for local population.

The Head of the state during his visit to Khorezm region, instructed the Uztex Group of Companies to organize high-tech enterprise in Shavat district and create jobs for local population.

Over the past period, Katqal'a teks was put into operation on the basis of existing production facilities, equipped with advanced technologies and capable of providing job for more than a thousand people. This was facilitated by favorable conditions created in Uzbekistan for obtaining loans and attracting direct investment

The project worth 65 million USD was implemented in two stages. At the first stage in 2017, the company was equipped with 528, and in 2018 – 512 hosiery machines manufactured by Lonati Italian Company. Delivery and installation of the equipment was carried out by Maritex Industrial LLP British Company.

The company produces women's, men's and children's socks of various sizes. The joint venture, capable of producing 79 million pairs of socks per year, worth 30 million USD, is fully automated.

Last year, products worth 5.7 billion UZS were manufactured here and delivered to domestic market. This year, the company reached full capacity, 12.5 million pairs of socks were manufactured in October, products worth 3.85 million USD were exported to the USA, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine and a number of other countries.

The President got acquainted with activity of the logistics center at the enterprise, its weaving and packaging shops, laboratory, conditions created for workers.

According to technological capabilities, this enterprise is the only one of its kind in Central Asia. It is working on production development of new types of textile products, increasing the volume of exports.

Due to investment conditions created in Uzbekistan, entrepreneurs are investing their capital to production of competitive products in domestic and foreign markets. There are no barriers for those who want to create an enterprise and jobs, their business is guaranteed. This is well known to foreign partners, and they are making an active contribution to expansion of our exports, the Head of the state noted.

A presentation of projects for development of textile industry in Khorezm region, organization of light industry complex in the territory of Khazorasp free economic zone by Dererlop Textile LLC, construction of new spinning factory for production of mixed and cotton yarn in Shavat district, launching the production of finished knitwear in the city of Urgench by Textile Finance Khorezm LLC, construction of Uztex Zarkent sanatorium in Parkent district of Tashkent region was held.

The Head of the state gave instructions on accelerated development of light industry, expansion of exports, creation of additional sources of income and increasing employment.

President got acquainted with activities of Katqal’a teks enterprise in Shavat district

President got acquainted with activities of Katqal’a teks enterprise in Shavat district

President got acquainted with activities of Katqal’a teks enterprise in Shavat district

President got acquainted with activities of Katqal’a teks enterprise in Shavat district

President got acquainted with activities of Katqal’a teks enterprise in Shavat district