Poetry evening
21:15 / 2017-02-14

An evening of poetry and music has taken place at the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre on the occasion of the 534th birth anniversary of Muhammad Bobur.

An evening of poetry and music has taken place at the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre on the occasion of the 534th birth anniversary of Muhammad Bobur.

Poets and writers, morality propagators, teachers and students were invited to the event.

The first deputy chairman of the Uzbekistan Writers Association, S.Saidov; the director of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre, F.Masudov; and others have said that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s attention to the development of national literature in the country, support for the creative intelligentsia and large-scale measures being taken to raise young people’s book-reading culture play a special role in further improving the Uzbek people’s morality.

Bobur’s creative works won literary figures’ love with their original style and accessibility. Bobur deeply studied Alisher Navoiy’s works and knew his poems by heart. Researchers and literature lovers know very well that many poems of Bobur about goodness, humaneness and morality were written under the influence of Alisher Navoiy’s creative work.

Probably, few people in this country do not know about “Boburnoma”. Thanks to this book, Uzbek people learn not only about the life, feelings and work of their great ancestor but also obtain valuable information about history, geography and a number of other aspects of the lives of their ancestors. This work, which contains a lot of information and became a bright example of Uzbek classic literature and the Uzbek literary language as early as in the XV-XVI centuries, is very precious and has various artistic features.

An international expedition named after Bobur is doing large-scale work to improve the burial places of great ancestors of Uzbek people, to publish their complete works and to explain to the wider public the essence and significance of their creative work.

“Bobur’s works attract attention with their deep and beautiful style of writing. The poet’s beautiful poems teach people to love the Motherland and cherish peace and their happy lives,” says Zamira Suyunova, people’s artiste of Uzbekistan.

During the evening, songs with Bobur lyrics were performed, and his poems were read out.