The next plenum of the Political Council of the SDP of Uzbekistan “Adolat” was held.
The participants discussed issues related to the party’s participation in the elections to parliament and local representative bodies scheduled for October 27 this year.
The leader of the party Robakhon Makhmudova, opening the plenum, emphasized that the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local representative bodies will be held based on a new practice – a mixed electoral system, in which there will be a tough fight for every vote. This requires political parties to win the high trust of voters in the context of even more intense healthy competition. Based on this, it was noted that the SDP “Adolat” needs to put forward well-founded proposals, initiatives and ideas, develop an election program for the party to implement voters’ wishes.
The plenum defined the strategic plans of the SDP “Adolat” for worthy participation in the elections.
The plenary session featured party activists, veterans, deputies, and youth representatives who noted that the party’s potential is sufficient for full participation in the elections and that entering them with an election program provides for the people’s interests is necessary. It was also emphasized that in these essential political processes, it is required to use all available opportunities, take an active part in the elections, and nominate worthy candidates for deputies from the party.
The plenary session adopted relevant decisions regarding the party’s participation in the elections.
Mukhtarama Komilova, UzA