Peace and Harmony Is a Priceless Good
23:01 / 2015-08-12

Amid the energetic preparations for the celebration of the 24th anniversary of the Independence of our Motherland, cultural-musical events under the motto “The Inimitable, the Cherished, My Native Uzbekistan!” are underway across the country.

Amid the energetic preparations for the celebration of the 24th anniversary of the Independence of our Motherland, cultural-musical events under the motto “The Inimitable, the Cherished, My Native Uzbekistan!” are underway across the country. One of such occasions has taken place at the square of the Alisher Navoi State Academic Grand Theater of Uzbekistan and at the Khadra Square.

The event was organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Tashkent City Hokimiyat (mayor’s office) and a range of other organizations. It was attended by representatives of public and social institutions, people of esteemed age, activists of mahallas, art figures and the youth.

Traditions inherent in our people, such as manifestation of reverence toward and care for the elderly citizens, are being promoted in our country. The scales and scope have been enhanced this year, announced at the initiative of the head of our state as the Year of Attention and Care for the Senior Generation.

It was stressed at the occasion that as a result of wide-ranging reforms carried out in Uzbekistan under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, all walks of life have been advancing dynamically, and the wellbeing of the population has been rising. We live in a peaceful time, and thus it is a duty for each of us to render care for the older generation and create extensive opportunities for them to spend their leisure time meaningfully and with use.

“The goal sought by holding events like these is to provide assistance and support for the elderly people and cultural services for them,” says Zohida Umarova, head of the Shaykhantahur District Department for Culture and Sports Affairs. “Our veterans call for the youth to safeguard the peaceful and harmonious life, take care for the future of the nation and serve as example in everything.”

The musicians sang songs about the native land, peace, independence.