Participants of small industrial zones are selected on a competitive basis
06:00 / 1970-01-01

The Committee on the issues of industry, construction and trade of the lower house of parliament organized a round-table discussion on the role of small industrial zones in ensuring large-scale and effective use of production and resource potential of Uzbekistan.

The Committee on the issues of industry, construction and trade of the lower house of parliament organized a round-table discussion on the role of small industrial zones in ensuring large-scale and effective use of production and resource potential of Uzbekistan.

Establishment of small industrial zones play an important role in comprehensively and effectively using the productive and resource potential of the country’s regions, development of transport, engineering, communication and social infrastructure, accelerating introduction of new efficient technologies into production.

To date, the number of small industrial zones in the country has reached 80. They implemented 711 projects worth 990 billion sums, created more than 15 thousand new jobs. Tax and customs privileges and preferences are applied in relation to enterprises operating in small industrial zones, taking into account the volume of attracted investments. All possible favorable conditions are created for enterprises operating there. In particular, entities operating in small industrial zones are exempt from all taxes for a period of 2 years. In addition, it is also stipulated that, when certain parameters are achieved, the enterprise is released from tax payment for an additional period of 2 years.

According to experts, participants of small industrial zones in Tashkent are selected on the basis of specific criteria. At the same time, the volume of direct investments, creation of jobs, the annual output, the period of project implementation and implementation of a large project in a small zone are taken into account. In opinion of heads of directorates of small industrial zones, introduction of a competition on these criteria yields tangible results.

During the event, it was noted that large-scale activities are being carried out at enterprises operating in small industrial zones on ensuring employment of the population, increasing their incomes, producing competitive products, further deepening the processing of mineral resources, creating new modern production facilities.

In addition, deputies expressed their views on using opportunities and resources for ensuring accelerated development of organized small industrial zones.