New company in hydro-energy sphere to be established in Uzbekistan
09:39 / 2017-05-18

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced this when looking at the Sardoba water reservoir.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced this when looking at the Sardoba water reservoir.

At the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, work had been started in the year 2010 on the creation of this water reservoir in an area through which the Janubiy Mirzachul canal’s central strand runs.

The construction of this hydro-facility is to be completed this year. So far 922 million cubic metres of water has been collected there. This makes it possible to use fertile lands in Sirdaryo and Jizzakh Regions and to increase agricultural crop yields.

Multi-functional farms are being developed so that people can do repeat sowing and earn additional incomes.

The Sardoba water reservoir will create big opportunities for agricultural labourers and farmers in this area, said the Head of State.

In the course of the President’s visit to the People’s Republic of China, important agreements were reached in the hydro-energy sphere too. In cooperation with that country, a 15 MW small hydro-electric power station will be built near the water reservoir.

The Head of State said that forward-looking measures were being worked out to develop the country’s alternative energy sector and that a new company would be established in the hydro-energy sphere.

A recreation zone will be created around the water reservoir.

A presentation was given there on promising agricultural projects to be implemented in Mirzaobod District.

The Sardoba railway agro-industrial complex unitary enterprise of the Ozbekiston temir yollari (Uzbekistan railways) joint-stock company is to implement projects in such areas as fish farming, stock raising, the processing of fruits and vegetables, milk products and fodder production.

A fish farming complex to be set up in Mirzaobod District is to incorporate an incubation system, intensive enclosures, a plant for fish processing and refrigerators for the storage of products. Special food for fish will also be produced right there. 150 jobs will be created at these enterprises. This complex will serve as the main base for Sirdaryo Baliq Sanoat (Sirdaryo fish industry) enterprise being established in cooperation with the Ipoteka bank.

The Sardoba fruits and vegetables logistical centre will also be multi-functional. There fruits and vegetables will be produced, sorted, processed, packed, frozen and stored. At this enterprise, 200 people will be provided with jobs.

At a stock raising complex to be created in Mirzaobod District, pedigree cattle will be raised, and meat and milk will be provided for the population. 100 jobs will be created there.

In this district, one more enterprise will be producing milk products. There 3 thousand 500 tonnes of milk will be processed into a wide variety of products and packed. 25 people will be provided with jobs.