Navruz at Dormon
10:48 / 2017-04-01

The Navruz holiday has been celebrated in the “Dormon” garden of creation of the Writers Union of Uzbekistan. On this occasion, writers and poets and workers in such spheres as morality, culture, art and science gathered in this beautiful place.

The Navruz holiday has been celebrated in the “Dormon” garden of creation of the Writers Union of Uzbekistan. On this occasion, writers and poets and workers in such spheres as morality, culture, art and science gathered in this beautiful place.

M.Ahmedov, the chairman of the Writers Union of Uzbekistan; and others said that comprehensive support was being given to creative workers in this country and that as the most educated members of society they worked for the good of the country.

Special attention is being paid to all the spheres of the country’s socio-political life, including the artistic literature sphere. Book-reading culture is being promoted widely. Famous writers and poets’ heritage is being studied, and their birth anniversaries are being celebrated. The material-technical bases of newspapers’ and magazines’ editorial offices and printing houses are being strengthened, and publishing work is being done in a way that meets modern requirements.

In response to this much care and attention, creative workers are producing many works that depict the nation’s way of life and noble aspirations. In today’s complicated era, these make a contribution to strengthening such feelings as kindness and magnanimity in people’s hearts.

The state provided new homes to young creative workers. At this event, they were given the keys to these homes.

“This year’s Navruz is a doubly joyous occasion for us, young creative workers. On the recommendation of the Writers Union, the state provided housing to us. The significance of this care is great for our family,” says young writer Sanjar Tursunov, a managing editor of the Ghofur Ghulom publishing and media house.

During the event, a book fair was arranged. Tables were laden with spring dishes. Poets read out poems. Good melodies and songs were performed.