National roads system is being improved
09:44 / 2015-12-01

Republican Road Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a press conference at the National Press Centre on the ongoing activities on repairs of public and internal roads.

Republican Road Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a press conference at the National Press Centre on the ongoing activities on repairs of public and internal roads.

Deputy Director of the Republican Road Fund Sh.Jumabaev and others noted that systemic measures to improve the system of highways, implemented under the leadership of President Karimov, are an important factor for sustainable growth of the economy and welfare of the population.

The fund financed the repairs and reconstruction of nearly 7700 km roads in 2010-2014, of which over 1474 kilometers are internal roads.

In 2014, the Fund allocated over 2 trillion soums for construction, reconstruction and repairs of roads. 254 billion soums of this amount were spent on repairs of internal roads of city streets and rural settlements.

This year the Republican Road Fund and international financial institutions are expected to allocate 1 trillion 543 billion soums for the construction and repair of 376.3 km roads.

In accordance with the decree of the head of our country on the program of development and modernization of engineering, communication and road infrastructure in 2015-2019 dated from 6 March 2015, construction and reconstruction of approximately 3 thousand kilometers of roads, bridges, overpasses and road interchanges are to be carried out in the next 5 years.

In 2016, construction and reconstruction of highways stretching 512.9 kilometers is planned. Over 1 trillion 800 billion soums are expected to be spent for this purpose.

Local roads with total length of 376 kilometers in Tashkent, Andijan, Fergana and Namangan regions will be fully renovated under the loan of the World Bank in the amount of 200 million US dollars.

Purchase of 993 units of equipment and 38 road-building complexes are planned for 2015-2019 to perform routine maintenance and ensure safety of roads.

Journalists have received answers to their questions at the press conference.