National handicrafts and tourism gain increasing attention
11:20 / 2023-02-15

After the President’s visit...

Each region of Uzbekistan has its unique visiting card. The city of Margilan in Fergana region is known for its craftsmen.

Last year, by the decision of the World Crafts Council, the city was awarded the status of “World City of Silk and Ikat Craftsmen”. Margilan also became the third city of Uzbekistan included in the list of cities of artisans of the World Crafts Council. Before this, such status was awarded to Bukhara – for the developed gold embroidery business and Kokand – for the unique woodcarving technique.

The visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Fergana region on February 2 made local craftsmen very happy.

“Every time the Head of state visits our region, he meets and talks heart to heart with craftsmen’, says Rasuljon Mirzakhmedov, head of Fergana Regional Department of the “Hunarmand” Association. – The President got acquainted with the project of the Oltin Ipak Karvonsaroyi Tourist Center, which is being implemented in the city of Margilan. By tradition, within the framework of each visit, some innovation is initiated. The President listened to and supported the proposal of artisans to teach national crafts to schoolchildren. It will be easier for young people who own one of the crafts to cope with life’s difficulties, moreover, this will serve to further develop national handicrafts. Along with this, the responsible persons were given recommendations on increasing the tourism potential of the region, rational use of the possibilities of cinematography in its promotion. An increase in the flow of tourists will also serve to increase the profits of artisans.

Indeed, national handicrafts play an important role in the development of the tourism industry. In the ancient city of sericulture – Margilan, more than ten thousand residents are engaged in it, in particular, 565 masters are members of the “Hunarmand” Association.

Now the project of the Oltin Ipak Karvonsaroyi Tourist Center, implemented by the cooperative ABR Matolari, is at the completion stage.

“In the center, guests will be shown the process of making national handicrafts and finished products”, says the head of the Oltin Ipak Karvonsaroyi project, artisan Ibrokhimjon Sultonov. – Its cost is 10 billion UZS. After the launch of the center, 150 people will be provided with jobs. On the ground floor of the complex, there are workshops of artisans for silk carpet weaving, embroidery, copper work, production of national headdresses (skullcaps), men’s robes and fabrics. On the second floor, there is an old caravanserai with 11 rooms for 30 beds. The caravanserai is undergoing the final stage of reconstruction and equipment.

It is planned that the complex will serve more than 10,000 tourists a year. A person who comes here will feel as if he was in a Margilan house centuries ago. Tourists will see with their own eyes the technology of manufacturing national handicrafts. Also, the Museum of the History of Sericulture and Handicrafts will be created here.

During the conversation with artisans, the President emphasized that living in the age of high technology a person still misses such simple, but special places.

There are twenty centers of artisans in Fergana region, which have become a favorite place for tourists coming to our country. They are engaged in the production of various handicraft products. It is gratifying that one more has been added to these objects of the ancient and eternally young city of Margilan.

The President’s visit to the region, along with other industries, gave impetus to the development of handicrafts, because the promotion of national applied arts is the foundation for the cultural education of our children, glorifying the capabilities of the region.

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Ikrom Avvalboyev, UzA