National cinematography at a new stage of development
06:00 / 1970-01-01

“Uzbekkino” National Agency held a press conference on measures for enhancing the role of cinematography in 2017-2021, as well as an analysis of activities implemented in this direction, at the National Press Center.

“Uzbekkino” National Agency held a press conference on measures for enhancing the role of cinematography in 2017-2021, as well as an analysis of activities implemented in this direction, at the National Press Center.

The first deputy director general of “Uzbekkino” National Agency Shukhrat Rizayev delivered a speech on reforms in the sphere of national cinematography.

In order to radically improve the quality of Uzbek cinema, impersonating the images of heroes of our time, the Arts Council of the agency has announced a competition of film projects for 2018. Special attention in it will be paid to projects on a historical theme.

11 of 23 feature films approved by the Arts Council are historical. They are dedicated to the lives of our great ancestors, such as Imom at-Termizi, Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Iskhokhon Ibrat, Amiri and Nodira, Abdulla Avloni, Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya, Said Ahmad and Saida Zunnunova. In addition, the new films also tell about the courage of our heroes who selflessly fought against enemies during the Second World War.

These days, on the basis of state order, film shooting has started on Uzbek pilot Zarkhuja Saidazimov, who on September 11, 2001, during a terrible tragedy in the United States saved the whole crew, as well as about events in Uzun and Sariasiya districts in 2000, the courage of a girl with a disability from Muynak, as well as the second part of the Baron film.

“Uzbekkino” also plans to shoot a number of films in cooperation with filmmakers of China, Japan, Russia, India, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan. Until the end of the year, together with the Indian film directors, it is planned to complete the shooting of a feature film “Shodu hurramlik” (“Joy”), together with Kyrgyz filmmakers – the film “My Poplar in a Red Headscarf”. In addition, shooting documentary films about great writers Abdurahmon Jomiy, Abay, Chingiz Aitmatov has also started.

“Uzbekkino” is also paying attention to creation of animated films for young spectators. These days, films and cartoons such as “Uzviylik” (“Organicity”), “Gildirakli uy” (“House on wheels”), “Dovyurak oshpaz” (“Brave cook”), “Kenja botir -2” (“The younger hero”), “Matizning sarguzashtlari” (“Adventures of Matiz”) are in the midst of shooting.