My life – my native country
10:25 / 2016-08-12

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the country’s independence, cultural enlightenment events are being conducted in Samarqand Region under the slogan of “My life, my destiny – my native, unique Uzbekistan”.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the country’s independence, cultural enlightenment events are being conducted in Samarqand Region under the slogan of “My life, my destiny – my native, unique Uzbekistan”.

As part of the implementation of the presidential decree dated 2 June 2016 “On preparations for the 25th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan and celebrations of this holiday”, such an event took place in the Namoz polvon neighbourhood in Kattaqorghon District, and it was attended by members of the republican propagation group.

U.Azizov, a senior lecturer of the State Administrative Development Academy under the Presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan; and a poetess, Z.Muminova; have said that large-scale reforms being conducted in Uzbekistan help to further develop the economy and raise the population’s prosperity.

Thanks to a great deal of creative work in localities, the appearances of villages and towns are improving with every passing year, and the people’s living standards are rising.

“On the basis of the Uzbek model worked out by the leader of our state, our economy is developing steadily. Only a handful of countries have such achievements. The population’s peace is ensured, and this is recognized internationally. This is reflected in the results of sociological research and surveys conducted by many international organizations and institutes. It is necessary to explain to people, especially young people that it was not simple to achieve this. The work was done on the basis of the state’s purposeful policy. This would help to evaluate the bygone days correctly and to find an answer to this question: Who were we yesterday, and who are we today?” says a senior research scientist of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, A.Bozorboyev.

During the event, active people of neighbourhoods, veterans and young people spoke about the benefits and values of independence, citing prosperous villages and people as examples.

Well-known writes and artistes read out poems and performed songs about the Motherland, peace and independence.