Ministry of Labour outlines plans to create 990,000 new jobs
15:05 / 2016-02-04

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Uzbekistan reported on the results of activity in 2015 at a press-conference in Tashkent.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Uzbekistan reported on the results of activity in 2015 at a press-conference in Tashkent.

Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Abduhakimov and others noted that the stable economic development of our country under the leadership of President Islam Karimov supports employment of population. In 2015, over 980 thousand jobs were created, of which over 60 per cent were in rural areas.

More than one thousand two hundred career fairs were conducted, in which 62 000 people were placed in jobs. Thanks to the cooperation with enterprises 8 thousand unemployed people involved in paid social work.

- Above seven thousand people have been retrained in professions that are in demand in the economy, - says head of the department of the Ministry Erkin Avezov. - 2 thousand 400 people went through apprentice schools, getting trained in areas such as carpet weaving, pottery, production of artistic articles made of leather, wood, metal, national production of sweets, and others.

Work on social protection of the population have been continued. In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 1, 2015, single pensioners in need of support are provided with 15 kinds of products. Over 2 thousand social workers and nurses of the Red Crescent Society are attached to lonely pensioners and disable people.

Around 4 thousand complaints and appeals of individuals and legal entities have been studied. In particular, over one thousand three hundred applications relating to late payment of salaries, about three hundred complaints on illegal termination of employment contracts and concealment of vacancies were considered.

Comprehensive information on plans for the current year was provided at the press conference. In particular, the plan envisages the creation of 990,000 new jobs, continuation of social support of the population and labor protection in 2016.