Minister of Health: “I always bow before selfless nurses!”
16:20 / 2019-05-12

In the Palace of Arts “Friendship of Peoples” in Tashkent, during the solemn festive event dedicated to May 12 – International Nurses Day, owners of a dedicated profession were once again showed respect.

In the Palace of Arts “Friendship of Peoples” in Tashkent, during the solemn festive event dedicated to May 12 – International Nurses Day, owners of a dedicated profession were once again showed respect.

The Minister of Health Alisher Shadmanov and Chairman of the Republican Council of the Health Workers’ Union Farkhod Khanapiyayev addressed the event and sincerely congratulated all the nurses on the International Nurses Day.

International Nurses Day

– Modern healthcare system cannot be imagined without participation of nurses. Nurses play an important role starting from the process of conducting operations based on the most advanced technologies, to postoperative nursing, as well as the laboratory and diagnostic sphere, raising medical culture in the family, – said Alisher Shadmanov. – Therefore, in the process of medical and social reforms implemented in our country at the initiative of the Head of the state, special attention is paid to the development of nursing. According to the resolution of the President of the country adopted on May 6 of this year on measures for further development of the system of medical and pharmaceutical education and science, a completely new system of training nurses has been introduced. In turn, I want to note that today in our country more than three hundred thousand dedicated, faithful to their profession nurses work effectively in different areas of healthcare system. I always bow before such nurses who are selfless, tidy, clever, in a word, owners of a noble profession.

International Nurses Day

According to the Ministry of Health, at the solemn event, the organizers presented diplomas and memorable gifts to a group of dedicated nurses who made a worthy contribution to public health during effective work in medical institutions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent.

International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day