Metallurgy of Uzbekistan is in the center of international experts’ attention
18:18 / 2018-12-12

On December 12, an international scientific practical conference, dedicated to improving the efficiency of the process of natural resources processing in Uzbekistan, modernizing and integrating science into the domestic metallurgical industry, was held at the branch of NRTU “MISiS”, in Almalyk.

On December 12, an international scientific practical conference, dedicated to improving the efficiency of the process of natural resources processing in Uzbekistan, modernizing and integrating science into the domestic metallurgical industry, was held at the branch of NRTU “MISiS”, in Almalyk.

Metallurgy of Uzbekistan is in the center of international experts’ attention

The event was organized by the Almalyk branch of Russia’s National Research Technological University “MISiS” with the assistance of JSC Almalyk MMC, as well as SFI Management international company.

Metallurgy of Uzbekistan is in the center of international experts’ attention
It was attended by over 80 scientists and experts from various foreign research institutions, production associations and metallurgical enterprises from Germany, Finland, China, Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries.

At the conference, experts praised the initiatives and changes that have taken place in recent years in the metallurgical sector of Uzbekistan under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, according to which the most modern automated control systems, production technologies, as well as advanced experience of leading foreign countries in this industry are being actively and successfully implemented at the country’s enterprises.

Metallurgy of Uzbekistan is in the center of international experts’ attention
Specialists of the event focused on such current issues as improving technologies and quality of smelter management, heat utilization, automation of metallurgical process management, work modeling and optimization of metallurgical equipment construction, and others. Participants developed relevant proposals.

The experts also considered the current trends of improving the level of development of metal processing both in Uzbekistan and abroad. At the same time, special attention was paid to the discourse on the conceptual vision of further development of the copper smelter of Almalyk MMC.

Following the event, the participants visited Almalyk branch of NRTU “MISiS”, as well as the Metallurg Palace of Culture.

Metallurgy of Uzbekistan is in the center of international experts’ attention