Memory is sacred, and its preservation is human duty
18:07 / 2019-05-09

Jizzakh hosted celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Memory and Honor and the 74th Anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War.

Jizzakh hosted celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Memory and Honor and the 74th Anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War.

Festive events were held under the slogan “To honor the memory of ancestors – the sacred value”, “Attention and care – the human duty”. Participants of the celebrations honored the bright memory of those killed in the Second World War, paid tribute to the veterans who shed blood on the battlefields for our current peaceful, tranquil and happy life, bright days and the welfare of people.

39,620 people from Jizzakh region participated in the Second World War. For the bravery shown, three Jizzakh soldiers were awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union”. Most were awarded military orders and medals. If to take into account the dead and missing in the war, then 11,408 people did not return to the homeland.

People who survived the horrors of war are becoming less and less. Currently, 36 participants of the Second World War live in the region. The state shows attention and care for war and labor veterans, in general, representatives of the older generation. Material and moral assistance, free medical services – all this is a practical confirmation that veterans are always held in high esteem by the state and people.

At the solemn opening ceremony of the festive event organized in Jizzakh Memory Square on the occasion of the Day of Memory and Honor and the 74th Anniversary of the Victory over Fascism, the participants recalled the great deeds of our ancestors and paid tribute to their memory. On behalf of the regional and city khokimiyat, the regional defense administration, the command of the troops of the Central Military District, the Nuroniy Foundation, Uzbekistan Youth Union and other state and public organizations, flowers were laid at the Sorrowful Mother Monument in Memory Square.

Marching of the servicemen of Jizzakh Garrison, the National Guard, the internal affairs bodies, military units was demonstrated.

Within the framework of celebrations, an exhibition of military equipment and theatrical performances were held in the Youth Campus of the regional center.

The festive events continued at Forish training ground of the Central Military District. Modern military equipment was shown, demonstrations of soldiers of military units were held.

Khokim of Jizzakh region E.Soliyev delivered a speech at the celebrations.